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Shaman Ta

Updated: Nov 14, 2023

Shamanism is an ancient practice that has been used for thousands of years by indigenous cultures around the world.

Shamanism is a spiritual practice that involves connecting with the natural world and the spiritual realm. It is based on the belief that everything in the universe is connected and has a spiritual essence. Shamanism is a heart-led way of life. It is not a religion. It has always been an oral tradition passed down from elder teachers to prospective students. There is no official scripture except life itself. The goal is to understand how to be fully alive, grounded within yourself, and connected with the world around you.

Shamanism helps you understand and cultivate your inner life, which leads to a better outer world. It's about regaining a state of healthy well-being within, as everything you experience within is reflected back in the outer world. As above, so below. The more peace, balance , grace, and joy you create within, the more the world will relate it back. The ultimate goal is creating a healthy inner landscape.

We are growing from the inside out. The key is strengthening your connection with the inner Spirit which has all the answers we need to deal with whatever life sends our way.

Key Concepts of Shamanism
  1. Thoughts are energy that we send to ourselves and the world. Managing them, is critical to your overall well-being

  2. We are all connected through the Universe and we all contribute to the overall vibration of the world.

  3. Everything we need in life is on the inside. Change your outer world by changing your inner world

What is a Shaman?

Shamans were selected in various ways depending on the culture and needs of the time. There is no singular rule to determine who can become a Shaman and who cannot. But there are some general guidelines that do overlap between tribes. The definition of a Shaman has evolved since the 1800s. Originally, the word shaman came from the Yungustic word saman which means "the one who sees."

Shamans and their roles have evolved with the times and there are several different ways to define their role and skills. Shamans are healers, ministers, spiritual teachers, herbalists, astrologers, therapists, dream interpreters, ceremonial leaders, psychics, mystics, and medicine people. Mainly, Shamans understand how to induce a trance-like state of consciousness, one we call the Shamanic State of Consciousness or an Altered State of Consciousness, to evoke healing, guidance, and wisdom.

A Shamanic State of Consciousness can be created through many mediums, such as drummimng, gongs, singing, dancing, prayer, meditation, fasting, hallucinogens, visualization, and spending time in nature.

The Shaman is the expert at entering into these states of consciousness, accessing the higher mind and the spiritual realm to gain wisdom that is beyond our conscious mind. Once the Shaman has entered the spiritual realm, they may encounter spiritual guides or animal spirits who offer guidance and wisdom. The Shaman's job is to work with these spiritual energies for themselves and others.

Shamans must be TRAINED to ensure the safety of themselves and others.

Key Concepts of Shamanism

Shamanism is about LOVE in its highest form.

We believe that everything is energy and everything has its medicine. There is energy in the the thoughts you think and the words that you speak. We must take accountability for our actions as well as our thoughts and words. When we think negative thoughts and say negative things, we send bad vibes out into the world. This lowers the vibration of the world and eventually reflects that negativity back to us.

The opposite is true as well. When we are affirming positive beliefs, thoughts, and actions, we raise the vibration of the planet--reflecting that positivity back to us. This reflection of thoughts and beliefs is critical to manifesting the life you want. The key is understanding that we are all connected and our choices not only affect us, but the world around us as well.

Everything has its medicine

Even people who treat us badly are teaching us something. They may be teaching us to be stronger and stand firmly on what we believe in. They may be teaching us to have boundaries and learn to prioritize our feelings. Plants and people can be medicine (some more healthy than others). When we see everyone as a teacher of some sort in our lives, we release being offended by how they treat us and start to understand WHY they are treating us this way. This moves us from a state of intelligence and reaction to a state of wisdom and response.

As above, so below.

As you work on the inside, the outside automatically aligns. Working on the inside means understanding your trauma, pain, and attachments; learning to love who you are unconditionally; and most importantly, learning that you are never alone. You always have the support of the Universe. Whether it's the high vibrations of plants and animals, or a best friend you met randomly at a concert, God is always providing support.

You cannot plan being at the right place at the right time or running into a stranger that will change your life. This is God working in a mysterious way. God is always sending us signs and clues about our purpose in life, where we need to be, and who we need to be around. You just need to know where to look!

Core healing exists in Expanded States of Awareness

Shamans do not scrutinize the outer world and all of its issues and problems. Instead, Shamans choose to explore the inner world. Where western science focuses on external things to form objective knowledge, Shamans study the internal realms, consciousness itself, and the subjective nature of spiritual reality.

We do not focus on logic, linear, or rational methods to gain knowledge and understanding. Shamans are not going to be able to tell you when you will find the love of your life, but we can tell you what you need to do to prepare for them. Maybe you are not ready for the love of your life. Maybe there is much work to be done to open yourself up to receive that great love.

We focus on helping those around us cultivate their inner landscape, recognize their inner voice and intuition, anc connect to the timelessness of love, peace, joy, and freedom.

Shamanism is not about abandoning the rational model of the world, instead it's about being able to fluidly shift between the two views of logical (mind led) and intuitional (heart led) while remaining true to your essence and the core of who you are.

Shamanic Training

Shamans are trained in entering altered states of consciousness, working within the unconscious realms, administering and understanding plant medicine, energy, and other healing modalities. Trainees are encouraged to learn as many techniques as they can and see what works best, eventually specializing in their strengths.

From there, the student must use trial and error to learn what teachings are most effective to produce results for the community. This is why Shamans can be everything from mystics to astrologers, numerologists, chemists, and therapist. You ahve the freedom to align to whatever healing modality that speaks to you.

Shamans work with the invisible world and formless energies through the form of ceremony. We will discuss more about ceremony and working with formless energies, non-physical beings, spirit guides, and power animals in future posts.

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