Throughout life, we often become absorbed in the material world—our jobs, relationships, successes, and struggles. Scarcity is a concept forced upon us, leading to the misconception that money, power, and success are limited to a chosen few.
This narrative has created stress and anxiety, shifting our focus away from our dreams and toward survival and financial stability. We search for external pleasures, work tirelessly, and mask our deeper feelings—all in pursuit of the freedom we've been promised but rarely attain.
There’s a deeper truth we often forget: we are spiritual beings having a human experience. The human experience is twofold—it encompasses both the physical and the spiritual aspects of life.
The Physical Experience: The Tangible World
Our Physical Experience is what we perceive through our five senses. It's the world we see, touch, taste, hear, and smell—everything that surrounds us in our daily lives. These experiences are logical and concrete, easy to define and explain with words.
Eating and drinking are part of our physical existence.
Working, earning money, and interacting with others also fall into this realm.
The physical world is filled with measurable actions and outcomes governed by logic, reason, and time.
In this state, our minds often focus on tangible goals: acquiring wealth, achieving success, maintaining relationships, and ensuring survival. But in doing so, we can become trapped in the cycle of overthinking and overworking, believing that happiness and fulfillment lie solely in external accomplishments.
While the physical world is important, it is only one-half of the picture.
The Spiritual Experience: The Inner World
Our Spiritual Experience, on the other hand, transcends the five senses. It involves feelings, intuitions, and energies that aren’t easily defined or explained. It’s the sense of knowing without articulating why, the deep intuition that guides us, and the synchronicities that remind us there’s more to life than what we see on the surface.
That gut feeling tells you which direction to take, even when logic says otherwise.
It’s the moment of deep connection during meditation, a sense of oneness with the universe.
It’s in the dreams that carry messages or the signs that seem to appear just when you need them.
The spiritual experience speaks to us through emotions, symbols, and inner knowing. It doesn’t rely on words or logic but instead connects us to something greater, a force that transcends the material world—the divine energy of God.
The physical experience is loud and demanding, but the spiritual experience is subtle and often overlooked. It is in these moments of stillness, intuition, and connection that we find our true selves.
The Balance Between Physical and Spiritual
Living fully requires us to balance these two aspects of our existence. Too much focus on the physical world—on survival, success, and external validation—leads to stress, anxiety, and a sense of emptiness. We constantly strive for more yet never feel truly fulfilled.
On the other hand, completely retreating into the spiritual realm without acknowledging the realities of the physical world can lead to disconnection from daily life, making it hard to function in the material world.
The key lies in balance. We must embrace our spiritual nature while fully experiencing the physical world. The material aspects of life—work, relationships, and achievements—are important, but they should be guided by our inner wisdom and spiritual truths.
Overcoming the Illusion of Scarcity
A major source of imbalance in the human experience comes from the belief in scarcity—the idea that there isn’t enough for everyone, whether it’s wealth, success, or happiness. This scarcity mindset pushes us to compete, often at the expense of our peace and well-being.
However, when we recognize our spiritual nature, we begin to understand that abundance is not tied to material possessions alone. True abundance comes from a state of alignment with the universe, a place where we trust that we are supported and that there is enough for all.
The spiritual experience reminds us that the universe operates on a flow of energy—what we give, we receive. When we align our actions with our inner purpose, we tap into this flow and allow abundance to come to us naturally.
Living as Spiritual Beings in a Human World
To live as a spiritual being in a human world is to embrace both aspects of life with grace and awareness. It means recognizing that our true nature is eternal and connected to a higher energy while also honoring the fact that we are here, in this body, to experience life fully.
We can engage in our work, relationships, and physical experiences while keeping a deep connection to our inner truth.
We can pursue goals without becoming lost in them, knowing that our worth is not tied to external success.
We can live in alignment with our spiritual essence, trusting our intuition and inner guidance to navigate the challenges of the material world.
Waking Up to Our Human Experience
The human experience is a journey of balancing the physical and the spiritual. When we become absorbed in material concerns, we lose sight of the deeper truths that guide us. This is what it means to be asleep in life or caught in the matrix of society.
Waking up is reconnecting with our spiritual nature. In doing so, we find a greater sense of peace, purpose, and fulfillment. Waking up allows us to step into the awareness that we are not just bodies moving through the world—we are spirits here to learn, grow, and experience life in all its forms.
By embracing both the physical and the spiritual, we can live a life that is rich, meaningful, and connected to the greater flow of the universe. The universe is always creating balance in our lives. Sometimes, we need to face challenges for learning and growth; other times, we may need to enjoy the fruits of our labor.
When you fully understand that life is a collaboration with the universe, you release the need to control everything. You stop stressing yourself out by trying to solve every problem and start believing that life is moving you toward wisdom, growth, and evolution.