Explaining the Unexplainable
So many people have tried to explain the energy of God. Whether through interpretations of sacred texts, stories, songs, or creative works, the definition of God has been defined and redefined for centuries. Some will even go as far as to claim that their definition of God is the only valid one.
Many of us insist on singular interpretations of God, which can cause confusion, separation, and disconnection from the unconditional love and support that God truly is.
But here’s the truth: God is the spiritual energy behind all things.
What is Spiritual Energy?
Spiritual energy is not something that can be explained with words or logic. It’s felt and sensed—something you just know but cannot fully articulate. Our minds often try to grasp at it, but we don't have the capacity to fully understand why or how it exists.
This is why people turn to metaphors, pictures, and songs to describe the energy of God.
The language of God is a feeling—feelings like love, peace, and joy that transcend explanation. Just as you cannot perfectly describe the experience of love or peace until you've felt it, the same is true for God.
God cannot be confined to a belief, a religion, or even a definition. God is the highest vibration of spiritual energy—the highest vibration of love, oneness, and connection. God doesn’t separate, segregate, or disconnect; God is the opposite of division.
Experiencing God for Yourself
Many people feel disconnected from God because they have been taught to experience God externally, through the interpretations of others, rather than through their own personal connection. But the truth is, you will never fully know the power of God’s unconditional love, support, and guidance until you’ve experienced this energy for yourself.
God is not something to be rationalized or explained like a math equation. Spiritual energy doesn’t operate on logic—it speaks through feelings, hunches, dreams, and synchronicities. The more you tune into this energy, the more you realize that life is more than what we think.
The Duality of Human Experience
The human experience is twofold: the seen and the unseen, the logical and the illogical, the physical and the emotional. In the physical realm, we interact with the world through logic, structure, and language. But God doesn’t speak to us through these methods. Instead, God communicates through the spiritual dimension—through feelings, intuition, and signs that surpass logic.
This is why God is often so difficult to grasp with the mind. Spiritual energy is deeply personal, and each of us experiences it in our unique way. No one else can fully understand what happens in your dreams, your moments of intuition, or your sense of déjà vu. Only you can feel and interpret your personal relationship with God.
The Uniqueness of Your Relationship with God
This is where the confusion about God arises. We've been conditioned to believe that others’ experiences with God will be the same as ours. But God created each of us as unique individuals, and our personal relationship with this energy will be equally unique.
Some of us have even developed a toxic relationship with God, where we ignore the signs, the messages, and the gut feelings we receive, thinking we know best. Others have completely shut themselves off from spiritual energy altogether. But here’s the most beautiful part: God doesn’t need your belief, your prayers, or your worship to continue loving and supporting you. God does it anyway because that’s what unconditional love means.
Unconditional Love Means No Conditions
We’ve often been told that God is a man sitting in heaven, watching us, judging us, and demanding that we earn His love by following certain rules. But this is not true. God loves you without conditions. There is nothing you can do to stop God’s love for you, because it is unconditional. It doesn’t matter who you are, who you love, or what you’ve done—God is always there, loving, guiding, and supporting you, exactly as you are.
If you believe in that love and accept it, you can ask for anything—guidance, peace, protection, abundance—and it will be yours. Not because you’ve earned it, but because you are already loved. God isn’t a man, a woman, or any binary figure. God is energy, and that energy is always available to you.
God Is the Source of All
We must recognize that God is the source of all things. The same spiritual energy that you pray to, the same energy you seek for guidance, is the energy that keeps plants growing, that keeps our hearts beating, and that fuels our passions, love, and sense of peace.
This energy is everywhere, which is why it is called omnipresent. Spirituality is not something you can rationalize; you must feel it to believe it. God’s energy flows through everything, connecting us to one another and to the very essence of life itself.
Feel God’s Presence, Don’t Define It
God’s energy cannot be defined or confined. It can’t be put in a box or limited to a set of rules. It doesn’t operate within human constraints, and it doesn’t need to make sense to the human mind. God just is.
To truly know God, you must experience this energy for yourself. Open yourself up to the signs, the feelings, the dreams, and the synchronicities that are constantly around you. When you allow yourself to sense and feel the energy of God, you will understand that God is love, God is oneness, and God is you.